Amateur Radio Station: W5EHS - FCC Licensed Owner/Operator: Dan Kautz

With our basic constitutional right of free speech a disclaimer shouldn't be necessary. However with our litigious society, I fear it is. I am no lawyer, so this disclaimer may or may not meet every requirement. Just don't say you weren't warned. Item 1 says it all.

  1. Everything written in this site is my opinion. I make no claim for accuracy or suitability for your purpose. Any, recommendations, procedures, modifications or projects detailed herein are for informational purposes only.
  2. Any modifications to manufacturer supplied safety devices, guards, etc. are strictly at your own risk even if detailed or photographed in this or any linked site.
  3. Any modifications whatsoever that you make to a manufactured item can void the consumer warranty and make you liable for any resultant damage, injury or death caused by such modifications now and forever. Even if you sell it to someone else.
  4. Operating powered or non powered machinery of any type and their accessory components is inherently dangerous. You or someone nearby could be injured or killed. This includes machinery YOU build.
  5. Links from this site are beyond my control and I am not responsible for their content or accuracy. Outside links may change without notice. Please send me an email for reports on broken links.
  6. The use of registered trade names and logos are incidental. They are owned, and all rights belong, to the company so identified.
  7. I have no connection nor do I profit from any commercial product or publication identified within this site unless I specifically state otherwise.
  8. All manufactured machines, tools, accessories, components, parts and devices shown, described or recommended in this site are subject to change, substitution or deletion by the manufacturer without notice.

Copyright Information

All written material and photography in this site are copyrighted. Written material may not be reprinted without my written permission. Photographs produced by W5EHS (Dan Kautz) may be used for non commercial purposes if the W5EHS,COM web site is given credit. Please do not link to photographs as link paths may change as I refine this site.