Amateur Radio Station: W5EHS - FCC Licensed Owner/Operator: Dan Kautz

DSC06405One of my interests is lost wax casting in silver. I can cast several other metals as well, but silver has been my favorite.

In the picture is a ring made with my amateur radio station call sign. You all know we identify personally with our calls.

My first call sign ring shown below was as big and gaudy as it could made. It is a success but is a bit uncomfortable to wear. It is too wide. This new one wears on the finger much better.

If any of my ham friends are interested in a personal design made by me, let me know. Each one is a one of a kind as the wax master goes away. The “lost” in lost wax casting.

Something like this small ring would be in the $50.00 price range. More complex like the fun skull ring shown would be higher. I made that for my adult son and it is the mascot for a band where he is the drummer.

Lead time varies. Let me know if you would like something special handcrafted for you.

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Just about as wide as my finger can handle Those are radio waves on the underside.
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It's called Chin's Mojo. My son's band ring. The "reasonable" call sign ring, Ha!